BARCELONA, March 14, 2017 – So there they are, Global Marketing teams, struggling to create tons of digital content. Overworked, pressed for time, finance and constantly sacrificing really “fun” marketing moves for the sake of localization for emerging markets. Not anymore, claims Viseven, a recognized provider of digital solutions for pharma companies worldwide. At 15th Annual eyeforpharma Barcelona 2017, their joint case study with Teva has shown a much more beneficial way to arrange for creation, development, localization, distribution and reuse of global eDetailing.
There it goes: the Digital Content Factory, a united workspace for everyone out there involved in content production marathon. Sounds complicated? Not really once you are in. The Digital Content Factory is, in fact, a liaison between Global Team, Digital Agencies and Local Teams. This improves communication, fosters transparency and allows for unparalleled flexibility.
Optimization is the name of the game here: a relatively small amount of people in charge of vast amounts of high-quality content for both global and emerging markets. You may say you won’t afford another extra digital content manager every month; fine. Then it’s all about what people to employ and where – not how many.
The core idea is distribution of tasks. Marketers are going to market; they won’t do the programming job. On the other hand, there’s a way for a global team to request eDetails from the external agencies, have them done with KPI schemes and…
…and then have the content readjusted dozens of times by local teams. At this very point the updates and localization – even the slightest replacement of text or images – turns into a real nightmare, as consumes more time and budget with every change.
Nataliya Andreychuk, CEO, Viseven Group:
“Digital innovations should be affordable and transform company’s business processes at no outrageous cost. Aiming to prolong content lifecycle, enable its reuse and optimize eDetailing development and flow between pharma headquarters and affiliates, we have developed Digital Content Factory – a single space for Global Marketing team, Local Marketing teams and creative agencies.”
Digital Content Factory, powered by eWizard platform, is the solution, which helps:
Decentralized execution, centralized governance. Now, if one wrote a list of objections to this idea… OK, write one. How many of these revolve around “how do the people communicate”? Perhaps most of them. That’s why an idea like Digital Content Factory has only appeared now and not years ago. Since the content created in this system is easily plugged into Veeva/QuintilesIMS, there really is a unified workspace, which ensures digital strategy transparency. This way, pharma can create engaging content that will speed up time to market and won’t take long to pay off.
Want to know how to fit Digital Content Factory into your organizational structure and drive innovations into your marketing strategy? Get more information at our official website or contact us right away.
Nataliya Andreychuk
CEO Viseven