Create personalized user journeys with Omnichannel Marketing as a Service.
Empower your marketing operations with AI and Data.
Adopt a future-proof holistic approach to content strategy.
Leverage a suite of professional services for pharma and life sciences.
Develop and enable adaptable pharma and life sciences marketing content.
Enable format-free marketing with content management platform.
The innovation-powered content management platform to produce and distribute high quality digital content
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The Viseven team is about respect, diversity, comfortable working conditions, and equal opportunities for everyone. We explore, evolve, and adapt – together.
The faster digitalization goes worldwide, the more pharma companies find out about new tools and approaches for digital self-promotion. Digitalization brought new challenges to any industry related to online activities and social influence. Pharma and the specialties of pharma’s marketing appeared to be under influence as well. Modern days marketers are as good as quickly they adapt and overcome today’s challenges. The most successful of them create strategies to foresee the challenges of tomorrow. This is the reason why the omnichannel approach becomes a powerful methodology in the arms of a farsighted marketer. Omnichannel allows to both cover the whole customer’s perspective on the internet, reaching out to him wherever it is comfortable for them across channels, and provide them with an engaging experience, being flexible with content and message delivery from channel to channel.
Being able to build a solid and at the same time flexible content production management for omnichannel purposes sounds like a never-ending nightmare full of additional costs and creative hell. Well, it is a truly unique experience, but definitely not a nightmare, and the ‘additional costs and creative hell’ part is quite overrated.
The name of this idea is the modular approach, and it works perfectly when it comes to covering omnichannel issues.
It may sound obvious or boring, but standardization is key. The main idea of effective resource usage is to standardize everything you can and personalize the rest to create unique and consistent modular content. The perfect thesis for omnichannel interaction will contain the same key message you promote in every channel with a small difference in delivery as different digital channels may require a certain attitude. In a few words, you can adapt it, but the core always stays the same, as you have a pre-approved solution.
Modular content itself is a combination of an image and text, organized relative to the content needs describing the required information in so-called blocks. These blocks can be combined depending on channel and purpose requirements, so they can be adapted to prints, landing pages, social media, and others. The best part of it all is that these blocks are reusable, interchangeable, and customizable.
In a nutshell, modular content is the complex solution that helps to significantly reduce time and costs for content production, adaptation, and time-to-market. Let’s figure out how exactly this approach influences the commercial part of digital marketing.
The first of the most uncomfortable issues that happen during content production is time planning. Missed deadlines are not only about additional costs for content rework or else, but also more about being on time with your product, ideas, or messages before someone else do the same instead of you. Fast TTM directly affects your sales metrics, as being first with something valuable in a market means winning the competition. Often, missing deadlines happen because of misunderstandings while collecting requirements and sharing them with your content agency or marketing team. Each separate detail of your plan has a chance to be lost, forgotten, or misunderstood which leads to more time spent on explanation or reference search.
At this point, the modular content becomes a savior as standardization and unified branding design leave no space for incorrect interpretation but gives a lot of opportunities to go through past activities and find something to reuse or redesign. Thanks to the unification, there’s no need to look out for a branding design code or create content from scratch — go on with pre-approved modular content, interpreting it to suit your needs. Simple as that, the modular approach significantly improves your ability to self-representation and engagement.
How much money have you spent on content creation agencies? Most often, agencies charge you for every separate asset that needs to be coded, localized, or reworked. The cancellation fee may cost up to 10% of the initial production cost. Along with standard content production issues like an unclear technical task, missed deadlines, or changed priorities, the price for being relevant to your audience in life sciences may cause a heart attack as the lack of standardization only creates more questions.
From a modular perspective, there’s a way to significantly reduce the number of spendings as the modular content is highly reusable when it comes to gathering materials and coding automation. Metadata tagging allows searching for a needed piece of delivery faster and easier than usual research on the content subject. Again, thanks to unified branding and design assets, the change of missed time frames are reduced along with the possible cancellations. It’s easier to foresee upcoming spending and know how to balance your budget right when you know exactly what your end content should look like.
The main purpose of any content is to attract HCPs and call them to action in perspective. Without a clearly defined approach, the creation of supporting materials for any pharma company’s strategy becomes a mess and it doesn’t perceive as a whole concept. Of course, we know that a personalized customer experience approach always raises the number of KPIs, but personalization becomes a struggle to guess whether you need to concentrate on a new design or focus on the message delivery or else.
The modules give you consistency in content management system and customer journey. A clearly defined initial thesis plus a unified design code make a perfect foothold to personalize it further, whether we are talking about a channel or HCP audience personalization. Modular content works perfectly for both cases, as it helps to collect the whole library of templates filled with unique meta tags for quick search. It becomes easier to navigate through sales representatives and local teams; as a result, sales reps become more satisfied as clearly defined modules allow them to precisely address the key messages in pharma industry.
Since all pharma companies dream about delivering their ideas to customers, the innovation of the digital era serves to translate these dreams into reality with a help of technologies and creativity. The more ways you find to deliver your messages, the more ways there are to raise engagement and make it more conceptual, and viral across channels. From the commercial point of view, modular content is the perfect marketing tool to optimize your production and delivery processes, increasing reply and interaction rates. It may sound a bit complicated for starters, however we provide full support during this journey with our educational materials and effective change management.
Start implementing the module approach now. Don’t know where to start – ask our experts. We are here to help and guide.